After my grandfather's death there is a photo that moves me more than any other: there is my mother - she must be two years old - with pretty and plump legs in her white dress. Next to her sits my Grandmother, young and beautiful. She is smiling at her little girl and at her man, who must have rushed to be in the shot after having started the self-timer. That man is my Grandfather…all blurred. After December 13th, 2013 I began looking at photography as a way to immortality, questioning myself about the cycle of life and death. I started wondering about the meaning of “Fragile”. I had to become familiar with small gestures and started to understand their meaning. I had to comprehend the passing of the time and how important sun and shadows are. I’ve learned that the most important thing is not to be afraid but to pay attention, to stop yourself and listen to your body growing.
I turned myself into a plant.

In the portrait photos of my 12 subjects, photography is just a medium to print their faces directly onto leaves. I see leaves as the symbol of the passage of time and the life cycle. The leaves were placed under vacuum thus blocking the natural process of decomposition.